Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

Gem Ultrasonic Cleaning & Restoration values our customers and strives to give them the best experience possible. Here is what some of our clients have had to say about us...
Mike has cleaned my furniture, curtains and carpet throughout my home. I have been consistently impressed with his personable and professional interactions and the care he has taken with my home. He was able to get stains out of my carpet that have been there for years and were reportedly not removable by other cleaners. I have never had a cleaning service do as good a job as him and I've had my carpets cleaned for over 30 years. I could not recommend anyone else with more confidence. Thank you, Mike!!!!

- B. Kraut, Google 5 Star Review
Never had a company leave my carpet so clean. Very professional, outstanding job and great price! I am very pleased. Highly recommend this company.

- D. Villafane, Google 5 Star Review
Superior service shout out to GEM ULTRASONIC CLEANING & RESTORATION (they're on FB). Still can't believe the Hunter Douglas super sheer blinds from near the kitchen sink came clean - we should have taken a before & after! Yes, the difference was that dramatic. Had all the blinds in the house done. Highly recommend. EXCELLENT VALUE. Unbelievable results.

- D. Denis
Anyone who is in need if getting their Window Blinds fixed I would suggest Gem Ultrasonic Cleaning & Restoration. Thank you Mike for taking the time today to assist me in fixing my blinds. If it is ok I definitely will refer my family and friends to your your company.

- J. McGrath, Norristown, PA
I have always had great service and great pricing from Mike Tulli and Gem Ultrasonic. I have used them for years for my personal needs and my real estate clients with outstanding results. I can recommend them highly.

- K. Hagan, Terrazza
Mike is easy to deal with, his prices are spot on and his work is exceptional. I've used him many times for carpets, blinds and window treatment. Each time they come out like new. Highly recommended.

- T. Petrosian, Downingtown, PA